Introducing eExpenses, the intuitive and easy-to-use Web based interface that streamlines and automates the entire expense management process with no hardware or software investment or lengthy implementation required. Delivered over the Web – and with more than 100,000 users around the world – P2D’s on-demand solution enables employees to quickly create the expense reports that supervisors, AP managers, auditors and senior management can easily review, approve, process and audit online at anytime and from anywhere, hassle-free.
The system is fully tailored to your exact requirements, including validation against all required company policy and rules. Expenses provides a comprehensive analysis of spend data for management review, complying with corporate governance and government requirements including GDPR and Sarbanes-Oxley. The solution is charged for via P2D’s normal policy of ‘Pay for Usage’, rather than a monthly fee per person, so you are not tied into paying disproportionate amounts for infrequent users; or indeed forced to ring-fence such employees due to cost. It is simple and easy to use saving the employee valuable time, and making training and roll-out pain free. Compatible with all browsers and devices, receipts can be easily photographed and attached via mobiles Please contact us for more information on the features and benefits.