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Accounting & Law Firms

P2D has been successfully deployed in top 100 firms, as well as small practices.

Accounting practices using P2D typically have high-volume and/or complex clients, and therefore require a more specialized solution with higher levels of service and personalized support, hence selecting the P2D solution over the mass-market options available.

If your clients are outsourcing the invoice processing function to you then P2D’s 100% accuracy is critical as it means you can safely rely the data to always be correct. With a ‘mass-market’ option that quotes say 99% accuracy, whilst this doesn’t sound much different, the impact is huge. If only the basic 8 header fields are being processed then this means one in every 12 invoices will contain an error and therefore you would still need to check every invoice (or accept that your clients accounts will be riddled with errors). It also means that your turnaround time is massively affected by the need to check each invoice, compared to P2D’s real-time 100% accurate service. In our view, this would completely defeat the purpose of outsourcing and the use of technology. Hence P2D is a more intelligent, and in the end much less expensive, choice.

Furthermore, accounting practices using P2D then also have a wide range of P2D Purchase-to-Pay options to be able to offer their own clients, with a white-labeling and commission structure also available if required. This facilitates a full end-to-end service to their client bases, whether they are large international groups using SAP requiring full expenses, purchasing and accounts payable automation, or small companies on Xero that need automation of receipts and bills via an App. Our automated web service API relationships and depth of experience in integrating with the full range of accounting systems further supports the decision to use P2D as a future-proof option.